oh mama please help me won't you hold my hand
((errm. it was meant for someone else, but that's okay. lol I'll just make them another))

She felt relief flood her mind as jazper ran towards her with Taliesin in his arms. She moved forward, hugging taliesin to her, then hugging Jazper to her as well. She nuzzled both boys, then moved back to the playpen, setting taliesin down with his brothers. She turned to Jazper with a smile. Thank you for finding him...I was so worried. She embraced him again.

She wondered how the boy felt. Well, not so much a boy, really. he was a young male, but almost an adolescent. She didn't get to see her daughter go through that stage. She'd been gone then. And when she came back, she'd had no idea she had a daughter. That was so very long ago.

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