A Stroll with a Stranger


Word Count → 600+

A wave of relief washed over Layla as she listened to Jaden talk about other wolf packs he had run into. She had worried that the simple piece of cloth would point her out for the dog she was. She was thankful that some wolves wore clothes. For a rather unknown reason, the female was quite attached to the piece of fabric and would be quite saddened to give it up for her life's quest. Layla grinned in return. "Mystery? You really think so?" A pensive look crossed her features. She quite liked the thought of owning some aura of mystery about her. "I think I will keep it, even if no one here understands it's meaning," Layla laughed as she smoothed it to her upper thighs.

Layla's Mutter and Vater were not the Alphas, as some might believe from her attitude. They were the Gamma pair, though Layla had been promised to one of the Alpha's sons, of which there were four. Not to the heir of course, her older sister was to take him. Layla hadn't yet realized the repercussions of her actions. It didn't even occur to her that they could be hunting for her as she chatted with this handsome wolf. The white and black female could be quite oblivious about those things.

Layla had mentioned the coyote pack and could immediately tell Jaden was anti-coyote from his response. Her tail resumed its playful wagging. A wolf like her... Yes, she liked that. "Yes, with their tails tucked between their legs, I don't doubt. It sounds like you had a... less than civil meeting with a coyote once?" Layla asked, wondering if there was a good story to be found. Jaden was a real life wolf with real wolf tales. His stories would mean more to Layla than her bedtime stories did.

"Dahlia de Mia?" Layla repeated. "I think I met a pair of wolves from there. Um, Siku and Saul?" she said. They were nice wolves. She could get used to them. "That pack was on my top choice list. I was also curious of Anathema. I haven’t met anyone in Phoenix Valley or Aniwaya," the female paused. "You should tell me of these criminals and cowards you speak of. You could save me some grief in the end." Though the female could be oblivious and wasn't above being friendly to a fault, she wasn't completely without a brain. She would soak up any and all advice given to her.

Jaden was awfully silent after she had asked what his reason was for being a loner. Layla gritted her teeth, inwardly cursing her curiosity. She looked at his dark face and noticed the distant look in his eyes. He looked away, and she took this as a cue to do the same. His weak answer tugged at her heart strings and her ears folded back. She slowly put her hand on his shoulder, trying to offer some solace. Layla cast her blue gaze to the ground and lowered her hand. Jaden may not appreciate her breech of his personal space.

"Yes. I lived outside of Helena, a human ruin, in Montana. Tornado swept through. I was lucky, I fell into an open basement and rolled under a tub," she lied. She had practiced this tale many times. "I watched my pack get ripped from the ground and tossed in the air. I didn't even bother looking for them." The female sighed. "But at least I still have my whole life ahead of me. I miss them, but I've moved on and try not to remember. I like to think that's what they would have wanted."

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