Hatred Bites
Clare watched the Cougar with an open heart. He was different and she didn't know if in a good way or a bad one. Still, she could hold anything against him for being different. She figured she was different too. There was not a lot of Feline bounty hunters out there and some of her kind would prolly tell her that she is just ruining her life with foolish things as such. But that's not what she thought and that was not the was she was brought up. She was determined to follow in her parents foot steps and that's how it was going to be weither they liked it or not. And with that she gave a mental Humph at the subject and moved one. Returing her attention back to the one who parted his jaw and began to speak again.

He was not much of a talker she thought. Then again she wasn't ussally this social. She coudn't help it thou. She was so happy to finaly know she wasn't the only one left. But some of her happiness sliped and so did her smile when he spoke of his dead parents. It seemed that they had something in common. "Mmmm... My parents died as well." Now she didn't know what to say.. She felt bad because she knew what he was going through.

Clare had to shake herself from drifting into thought about them more. "I've been pretty much been wandering ever since. You are the first Cougar I've seen since them." With that she shut up because he seem a little on the edge now. She could tell something was wrong with him. She could smell his anger. She knew it was nothing she had said, so prehaps a bad memory. Clare was becoming a bit worried so she regained her standing and took a few steps backwards, her tail flicking wildly now. Her voice was now louder and stern. "Hey! Snap out of it kid. The past is the past and there is noting we can do about. Got it?" Clare stopped to take in a long deep breath and changer her voice back to its smooth, velvet purr. "Relax kay? Come on, your kill is getting cold. You must be hungry, I am." With that she walked around him towards his prey, her tail slightly curling around his face as she passed. She figured her wouldn't try to fight her for it, if he did then it would be a loss at losing another Cougar but oh well.

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