For den som sette alt på spel, har ein uro i sjel
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Right, this'll be my last post unless I decide to throw one unconscious thingy in, she'll be passing out now. you two just do what you want and close it when you see fit? The little ones are black-colored/gray/white&black/gray, if you want to play that out.

I'm not leaving you, she said. But she did, though only physically, and perhaps not in mind, and only for a moment. As if in another world, Mew had heard her mother howl, echoing out into the night, and ringing within her skull. So it was that bad, not something the two of them could fight through. She had known it, really, but she had no energy to think of it, nor the consequences. And perhaps she did not have time, either. Her room was spinning, nausea creeping onto her, she was surprised she had not felt it before, and so Mew tiredly closed her eyes. It was possible that she had not been lying there for long, but it felt as if she had lived a lifetime, and she wanted to sleep. Oh how she wanted to sleep, to just close her eyes and let everything pass away into the comforts of dreamland. The mere thought sent her off to a semi-presence, suddenly startled when Colibri was with her again, wiping the sweat off her furry face and calming her down. The cloth was cold against her burning skin, and it sent a shiver through her body, yet it was relieving. Though she felt herself calming down, breathing slightly more steady, the contractions still gave her hell. She was losing blood, and too much. Though quite impossible, the white femme was pale, but she felt the opposite. A fire was burning all over her hind body, and she could not stop it. Paralyzed, her whole front felt numb as she just lay there and took the pain as it came. A few times she attempted to say something, opening her eyes to give Colibri attention, but she never got further than taking a breath in, and then had to release it again. Another contraction, and a violent one, made her breathe in sharply, through her teeth, making a hissing sound. The fires within her went wild with destruction, stretching out for days, months, years. Once it finally let go, Mew could feel her surroundings slipping away as cramps shook her legs. She heard herself whimper, and mentally attempted to hold on to her mother, yet it was futile. Breath stabilizing itself, Mew lost consciousness. She embraced it, and the relief it brought, with open arms, as if it would somehow save her from the nightmare she was living.


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