God left yesterday, but I remain
wc 778

There had been a wary shyness of the outside world ever since her encounter with the black beast who called himself Lucifer. There had once been a side of the Djose woman who saw more than the rumors of a drunken terror. Had there been a glimmer of hope in those sapphire eyes before he turned rancid on her? Tala wasn't even sure anymore. All the small woman knew what that the black man was one of the few people she detested. What he did to women, what he had done to her have no excuse, the man would not be tolerated by anyone in this pack. Jefferson had forbid him from the lands and now Tala was without a doubt going to stand right behind her elder leader and fight the monster teeth and claw. There was a monster among this world, and he called himself a wolf. He had caused her to fear being outside alone for a few days but Tala needed to be strong, for her pack and most definitely for herself as a person. He did not break her kind, soft soul as much as he had hoped too. Tala was not a fighter, but she would not sit around and let such vile creatures roam these lands freely. Not a day longer.

No longer would she fear the outside either. Tala had gotten herself back together as quickly as she could in her lonely state. The closest member of this pack she had had simply vanished, he had left with no sign as to why. Tala had missed her brotherly figure immensely but now was one of the few times she truly needed his shoulder to cry on. Her dear friend was nowhere to be found and the ashen fae felt never more alone than she had recently. Yes, she had friends here who she loved dearly but none of them she felt as safe with as her handless grey friend. Where had he gone? She just hoped he would return soon. Tala had yet to talk to a soul about what had happened and how her body had been drugged and used like it was nothing more than a tool. Those were words to be kept quiet, select few would hear such things from her own lips. Without her friend to spill her heart to, Tala did the one thing she had been comfortable with her entire life. She ran.

Running the territory was something that kept her mind occupied, a tree here was familiar, a rock there unmoved and the scents of the wolves she called her family still lingered around every turn. A least this was still here, all of it. Despite the storm which seemed so old now, the lands were still Phoenix Valley. This was still her home. The falling sun was causing lingering shadows to grow in size, the moon growing bright and prominent above her head with stars peeking from clouds to scatter behind the grey and white in a dance ever changing in the steps. The same hill here, the cemetery there.....wait. This wind was not one she recognized. A scent brief on her nose caused the Optime form the the Sevant to halt in her tracks, an ashen body turned with a curious, wary look upon every feature. There was a stranger in the cemetery. Lately, having wanderers in the land had been vile, terrorizing. This scent however.....it lingered with fear and a femininity. Tala had no choice, her instincts made her move forward, if this was indeed a woman who was as she smelled...Tala needed to investigate this.

Her small feet carried her through snow and wind, the darkening sky threatening to shut the scent away from sight. No, Tala would get there far sooner than the sun could hide. Her quick feet and small frame moved over familiar hills, everything seemed in order.....that was until a frame came into view that startled the woman to the point where she had to do a double take. The woman was not what was a surprise, it was the whimpering bundle in her arm. This woman had puppies with her? Oh, how terrible. "Excuse me miss, are you alright?" Tala used a polite tone and kept a respectful distance from the brown and white woman as her amber eyes inspected her for injury or harm. Nothing she could see with her eyes, that was a good sign. If the woman was a mother, being outside at such a time with such young pups was dangerous. Surely, she had a story, Tala wanted to hear it, if she got the chance.



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