Footprints in the sand

WC: 328 OOC: Niro is all like... buuuuutt whhhhyyyyy ; ;

Her laughter confused him and he tilted his head a little in that confusion. She cleared that when she answered him and he couldn’t help but start a little, though she seemed to be moving out of the freezing waters. She stood a few feet in front of him, his heart beating, trying to figure out exactly what she meant, though he knew... he knew and yet it almost didn’t comprehend. She spoke and he looked at her, was there a purpose for him being here?

“I... well I needed a place to think. Really had no purpose that I thought of.”

Niro stammered a little. She’d taken him off guard. Yes he was here... but he could as easily went somewhere else. He knew he would be left alone by his friends. He knew they would be asking questions, and judging him and who knew what if he stayed in his pack lands. Here he knew so few that it didn’t matter, even if they judged him he would more likely not see them again. Niro sat and curled his tail, then looked at her.

“Why would you want yourself to die?”

He asked unsure he really wanted to know the answer to that question. It was possibly too private and she wouldn’t tell him anyway... but maybe if she talked about it, she might find a different solution to such a thing. Life was special because it only gave you once chance. There were no retries, no cheating death and coming back... no nothing. When you died you were gone... for good. He learned that at an early age... even though he did not see his parents die. he knew they must be, because his mother and father would have ravaged the lands looking for them. So he knew death, and its consequences. What he didn’t know... why anyone would shorten the life they have... on purpose?

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