[DND] The Storyteller

Word Count → don't care

Out of character notes.

Gunnar returned the gaze that Slade gave him with one of frosty disinterest. The pup obviously didn't care whether he was liked or disliked by the coyote storyteller, as he sat in his mother's lap. Valinta looked at her son with a confused expression. Gunnar was normally a kind, happy pup. This frosty indiference was... different.

"It won't happen again, I promise." Valinta said solemnly. She was telling the truth, it wouldn't happen again. To him at least. The female would be moving to AniWaya with her son in tow in May. Slade was making up a story, though. That perked the woman's interest. Maybe, if she told him some of the Russian folktales (that Haley completely made up) she had grown up on, he would tell them his story?

"If it's not too much trouble...Could you tell us your story, Slade?" asked the ebony-furred female. She loved stories, and Slade's were usually very good.

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