j- We're young and in love

OOC here: Table & Coding © Hickey; 302 words

The melodic tune had caught Sele's attention. She was doing slightly better lately. But then again she had those bouts. She would get better and then suddenly become a hermit all over again. It was a struggle, an inner battle of wills with herself. She would try hard to be a better member but then her thoughts would gain control and send her back in hiding with the worry that something would happen within the pack and she would be the cause of it, just like in the cult. She blamed herself and her bad luck for what happened there. She figured that others blamed her as well thought it was something that was never spoken of.

She headed towards the borders where the sound had come from. She was surprised to once again find two waiting at the borders. And again it was a female and a male. Though this male didn't seem to be a child. He wasn't hiding close to the female as the other had been. But as she approached she noticed that the male was marked up though. Of course she immediately thought that he had done so to himself. It was what she did to her own legs after all.

"Are you looking for someone or something?" She asked the duo after she had placed her feet to the ground so that she could drop to her knees to sit. After all it was less awkward to talk to a seated person than someone that is upside down. "This is Anathema. Are you lost?" She figured that she might state such a thing since she had stumbled across a pack by accident before as well. She hadn't really been looking for anything in particular but had found herself somewhere that she didn't know where she was.

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