j- We're young and in love

OOC here: Table & Coding © Hickey; 522 words

Ah yes, it seemed a peculiar trait that stuck with Sele alone. Her older children had suffered no such hindrances. The were perfectly capable of a normal shift and walked upright just as everyone else did. She was the only odd one but it was something that everyone else got used to and never questioned. After all her legs worked just fine since she was able to crawl about and such. It was just something off in her balance. It wasn't something that she could explain even if she tried to do so.

She tilted her head curiously to the side as she listened to the fumbled words. She couldn't prevent continuing to glance to the male and his scars. Idly her fingers played along the ones that she had placed on her legs. It had all started with the claw marks on his hip that she had received from a cougar attack and then it had progressed into her harming herself on purpose.

A look of understanding came over her face when the female had finally gotten everything out. So they were looking for a home. She knew what that was like. To want to find a place where you belonged. She glanced back to the male as he introduced himself as well. "Selene D'Angelo." She gave her full name as the others had done as well. Her surname was one that many in this pack shared, as well as spread out through other packs too. It really wouldn't be much of a surprise to have run into another D'Angelo around.

"We live in caves here so most of the pack is underground. After what happened to the cult in New Brunswick my sister came here and started Anathema. She has kept some of the practices from there. We have been accepting everyone from all over who have no place to go as long as you wish to share your blood and become part of the family." They weren't just a pack but family as well. They all shared the same blood here. So far all that she had met here at the borders hadn't a problem with the blood sharing process. "Do you have any skills or something that can be offered to the family? Also I can call my sister so that you can talk to her about joining." But rather than waiting for a response she sent up a call to attract Nani to the area. After all her sister might be better able to handle the questions since it would be coming from someone in charge rather than just a member. Or at least she figured that these two might like that option better. Who wouldn't like the information right from the source instead of from someone who didn't even matter in the pack. Though her sister seemed to value her opinion and had praised her for it but it still didn't stop the constant inner struggle that Sele always had. Sele couldn't see the value in herself even though she was usually the one finding new joiners at the borders and getting incorperated into the pack.

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