J- Someone worth waiting for
WC: 334
OOC: Sorry this might be a pretty down therad. There is a major plot going on, so hopefully it won't scare you away.

Shawchert was not a happy camper. He had found many things wrong with life itself, and soon he found himself and his pack in the midst of murders that were beyond the man's controls. His own son had been one of them. He was getting closer to the one who did it, finding the man had left some of his scent... it was familiar but... not. He knew it was not one of his long standing members, but which one he wasn't sure of. He did not smell him in the pack meeting, and there were many of them that did not join in on the meeting. He was patrolling the borders when he heard it. A sweet voice singing out in the distance. Shawchert headed towards the sound. It was lovely, though in his own opinion not as nice as Sky's but she was also his mate to be, he would have no choice but to think that. He found who was singing and stopped, listening to the song as she finished up. In a way it lightened his mood.

You sing very beautifully. My name is Shawchert, I am the leader of Cercatori d' Arte.

He indicated his borders to her. He looked over at her curious.

What brings you to my borders?

His voice was gruff, but not accusing. He was cautious though, as he still did not forget everything going on. Though he forgot one thing. His height tended to be very intimidating, and he was doing nothing to diminish it. He was over eight feet tall so he did tower over the woman herself. He stood silent as a ghost as he waited for her to answer. Normally he was happy or he would have played his flute along with her, but these days life was not going so well for him as he had lost his children, his friend, and he was afraid for his pack.

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