Am I too late?

And I am more sorry. >.<

The King very rarely found anyone on the borders to be unsuitable for the pack. In fact, he could not recall a single individual by name that he had refused acceptance into the pack. There had been some that had ended up on the shores who did not wish to join that he then escorted out of the territory, but it was rare that there was anyone seeking a home that he did not find suitable. As usual, he saw no problems with Faryn joining the pack of Miracles, though she seemed exceptionally nervous and very much one to fidget a great deal. Perhaps the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere of Cour des Miracles would help her with that.

"We have festivals and parties on occassion and music and dancing is often involved. I am sure that you will fit right in with the rest of the pack," he said with a gentle, welcoming smile. It was easy to see that she was very nervous and he did not wish to make it more difficult for her than it had to be. "Do you have any specific questions for me before you settle in?"


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