Beyond the borders of reality
"Hey. I don't seem to know you... but then I don't know anyone around here. Probably 'cause I'm new. I'll probably get to know all of you in no time at all, plus I plan on being here a while, so get used to me. But anyways, now's a good time for hunting, it being spring, plus this is a place where there are incredibly many lil critters running around. I spent two hours hunting earlier today and managed to catch four of them. Here, want one?"

She gently tossed one at him, purposely aiming low so that it didn't startle him. It was probably good that she did that too, as she was way more than twice his height in optime form. Her common sense told her to shift into lupus form.

"Excuse me for a second..."

Dropping the rabbits, she took off her dress, exposing her bare body. It made her uncomfortable because she knew she looked even better naked than she did with clothing, and that scared her. She didn't want to be the victim of rape just because of her good looks. Slowly, her hair began to shrink into her neck until it became short, fine red fur, and her limbs shortened so they all rested on the ground. Her chest and hips became those of a normal, unmutated canine. In just a few minutes, she had become just an average (but tiny) wolf-dog with no especially remarkable characteristics.

"We can probably communicate better this way. So anyways, as I said before, I don't think we've met before. I'm Arwen, Arwen Stormcloud. Would you mind introducing yourself?"

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