Beyond the borders of reality
The girl stared at him for a second, not getting his message; she wasn't quite used to having social interactions with others. Then she understood, and began to eat one of the rabbits. It was plump and juicy, more like the fat rabbits commonly found in autumn than rabbits in spring, starved over a long winter. She continued eating, letting herself realize how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten for two days, she'd been so afraid that the smell of blood would lure scavengers (or murderers) to her hiding place not so far away. It took a while for her to finish the rabbit and lick the blood off her mouth. Mmm. Tasty.

"Would you like another one? One's more than enough for me to survive a few days on, plus it'll take years for the supply of rabbits in that forest to run out. Of course, that's probably because I'm small, and lightweight at that."

She pounced playfully at a log nearby to demonstrate her point. Although she was extremely mature for her age in most aspects, sometimes she acted no older than a little pup. That was when the week-old stench of blood coming from the log froze her in her tracks. It was all she could do to keep from throwing up.

"Eewww. Disgusting. Smell anything? Gosh, someone must have had a really bloody kill, tried to gut the animal, and poured all the blood and gore into this log to keep it out of the way. Or... I don't even want to think about that..." she said, as another possibility, one much more frightening, took control of her mind.

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