Am I too late?

No worries ^_^ My activity level dropped off the map for the past couple weeks.

The Tahra female stood quietly, waiting for the King's judgement of her answer. Her bangs still hung in front of her face, but she would move to fix them in a moment. Now, she just had to wait. Would her skills be acceptable, and useful to the pack? Oh how she hoped so. Fortunately she did not have to wait long for her answer. His answer made her smile brightly and turn her gaze upwards to look directly at the king. She quickly realized she had just made eye contact with her new leader, but rather than look away out of fear, she continued to look at his face. Her gaze didn't see a harsh, dominating figure, but rather a kind, welcoming figure with a strong presence to back up his leadership. His gaze was not nearly as intimidating as she had feared, and his son beside him was a very handsome pup indeed. "Th-thank you, sir, I promise I'll do my best to be a good member of Cour des Miracles." She replied, her voice almost squealing with excitement.

The wolfdog girl managed to regain her composure as Vigilante asked her if she had any questions. The first one that popped into her mind was the same one she had asked Alder the other day. That had been the males name, Alder. She had remembered after all. "Does this pack have a healer?" she inquired, almost without thinking, though this time she thought to add a brief explanation to the end of it so as to avoid having to tell her story again. She did not want to have an emotional break down in front of her king. "I-I'm a little accident prone, so I'd like to know in case I injure myself." It wasn't truthful no, and she knew it. She knew that if the king pressed her for the truth she would not lie again, but she hoped that the king would be focused on answering her question not on her excuse.

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