Add Your Charms and Brilliance

:: He is a bit of a freak Tongue Puppies are cuter

He didn’t get annoyed by the amount of questions that came at him in rapid fashion. Rather, he found it odd that someone had so many. Even though he was young, Citlali could control himself, but to a point of no return. Merely he was lost in the emptiness of his feelings.

I am … making leather,

The coyote boy said, answering only one of the many questions that were directed. He put slight hesitations in his voice, not incredibly long or awkward, but enough for the other converser to realize he himself was not comfortable with the idea of speaking. If he put it off too long, Citlali might lose everyone. Unfortunately, he knew that he would eventually have to become a little more adventurous instead of hiding in his grass and leather.

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