To live my life as it's meant to be

Word Count → 3+ :: table © sie

It was good to see the chivalrous knight again, and in such good health, too. The Apothecary had known him for a while now, but some of the instances in which they had met had been less than favourable. "I see you are looking well, Sir Aatte," She was glad to see that her healing methods had stitched him up well after that nasty fight, though, and the livid orange and ivory man looked no worse for wear as he sat on the floor with a pup that was undoubtedly his son.

Alaine had not been called to assist Princess' birthing, although this was a good thing, for that meant it had gone smoothly enough. The well-known Apothecary smiled benevolently at the little fellow who wriggled in his father's arms, for he too looked healthy. "Linden. How handsome you are, beag céanna!" She laughed softly as the small male pup barked at Odette, who immediately took fright and hide behind Alaine's seated figure. With a gentle coo to sooth her adopted daughter, the healer picked her delicate ivory form up and placed her closer to the excitable boy, watching as Odette sniffed daintily at him.

Her attention turned to the knight as he spoke, a slow and lovely smile warming the colliewoman's pixie maw. "Odette is mine, but not by blood," The woman explained tenderly, her emerald eyes glancing lovingly to the shy girl. She had adopted Odette just after birthing her own pups, which were much closer in age to Haven's. "My own two, who are just about as old as your Linden, are sleeping up in my room," Alaine explained. Her eyes became suddenly wary, although the smile remained on her maw. It was common knowledge that the healer had not taken a mate - thus far, the father of the two children sleeping in her chamber was still unknown to the packmembers of Cour des Miracles. She wondered if Haven would think lowly of her for having children with someone who was not her mate.

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