she killed it with kisses and from it she fled

Word Count → 3+ :: table © sie

If there was one thing Alaine could recognize within another, it was pain. That was the foundation of her duty as an Apothecary, her skills as a healer. Within this girl - This Sage River Lykoi - There was a deep well of the infection known as sadness, and although the hands of fate had fashioned her into a far colder woman than she had once been, Alaine still felt empathy for the wraith-like beauty before her.

Regardless, the mention of Inferni was enough to pull any thoughts of relaxing her guard away from the woman's mind. She stiffened in the saddle, emerald eyes sharp and wary. It was not so much a personal endeavour that caused her to react in such a way, nor was it Inferni's infamous reputation for the breeding of bloodthirsty bandits and the like. No, it was the fact that her offspring was spawn of the mighty warrior-king of Inferni himself, and she feared constantly that the land of Sage's bloodsoaked home would one day seek to reclaim the heirs she had taken in her womb from it.

For a moment, the colliewoman was still and silent. Sage's final words hung in the air between them, and it seemed that Alaine was battling within herself, the two conflicting aims of trust and mistrust. Finally, she relented. "The sea is a sacred place, Miss Sage," Her accented tone was a vague whisper, but the hints of a smile curved up on the woman's pixie maw. "Come now, get on your Lennon. I would show you something." She spoke brusquely in a motherly tone that would breach no rejection, before clucking her tongue to the fat mare and wheeling her nose around. Casting a look over her shoulder to the coyote damsel, the mysterious colliewoman flashed her a subtle smile before pushing Nana to a trot. The fat mare's rump was quick to melt into the trees.

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