Beyond the borders of reality
OOC: Now you get to see a little bit of how her mind works... feel free to react to her sudden mood swing however you want.

Interesting, she thought to herself, the scene finally starting to make sense. A cold-blooded murderer who went after puppies and their mothers, a male, probably a member of Cercatori... The blood in the log made sense too. One possibility was that it was a storage area for the murderer, and another possibility was that the murderer tried to recreate the murder scene... but that wasn't too likely. There was a fair chance that the murderer was a cannibal. It explained his love for killing females and puppies; their meat was probably the most tender... She was shocked out of her thoughts by this disgusting revelation. Why would she even think of such things? It was not as if she had ever tasted canine meat herself.

"Whoever the murderer is, he's experienced, he's dangerous, he's probably a relatively new pack member. He might also be a cannibal, as far as I know. Do you know who he might be? Can you give me a list of all the males who you think might have done it? Who were the victims? Does Shaw have an idea who the murderer is yet?" She stopped, embarrassed, her voice still quiet but shrill with excitement.

She looked around warily to see if anyone else was watching, listened for any breathing but her own and the coyote's, and was satisfied. Good. She couldn't afford anyone overhearing her, especially the murderer. But then she suddenly got angry; if this male also thought she was one of those little weaklings who couldn't kill a flea, she would show him what she could do.

"If you think I'm dead meat if the murderer decides to attack me, think again." She extended her both her paws, her sharp three-inch claws dangling no more than two inches from his face. "I grew them out especially for self-defense, if some crazy dude decides to attack me. So don't get on my bad side, kid. Even though you're probably older than me either way." Then she stopped. He was probably going to attack her, and she wouldn't dare use her claws on him, he'd go to Shaw and say she was the murderer, and she wouldn't stand a chance against Shaw, no matter how long her claws were. She sighed. "Sorry. I'm really sensitive when it comes to size."

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