
OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie

Word Count → 504

He knew just how she felt. After all it bothered him to sit still and do nothing but he had been trying to be around for Addi more. To devote more time to her. Of course it bothered him to slack off and try to remain around the den as much as possible. He wanted her to see that he was still around for her if she needed him. It only seemed like she didn't need him. That she was handling all of this well on her own. She was stronger and more resilient then he had given her credit for. She didn't seem to need him around at all.

He smiled as she continued to speak. He would like that. To have something perfect. He tried so hard to manage that in his everyday work. It would be really nice for it to pay off eventually. But her continued words had him confused for a moment. Try again? His confusion showed for a brief moment before he spoke up. "Try again? Do you mean the pups?" He couldn't think of anything else to try again on. Especially since they were still staying together and seemed to still be getting along. But who knew? Maybe his mind was where hers was. Still he reached over to try to lay a hand, the one attached to the arm that he already had around her, on her belly. "I wouldn't mind if you are sure that is something that you would really want."

When she didn't take the rabbit back and assured him that she wasn't hungry did he bring to morsel back to his lips to tear out another chunk to swallow it. He took bite after bite to finish it quickly. Once he was done he followed Addison's example and tossed what was left into the fire. "Thank you. That was good." He smiled, really appreciating the effort that she didn't have to put forth. He could have gotten something for himself easily enough. Still he felt it was wrong to turn away her thoughtful gift.

"Comfortable?" He questioned her with a smile while he had watched her play with his fur. He certainly didn't mind it since he quite enjoyed touch. And it was made better now by there being no worry that she would spook and run. He could just relax and be himself. "There is no need for you to apologize. We both come from different backgrounds. We have both experienced different things that have affected us in different ways. But I am glad that you trust me though." That really was a big leap forwards for them. He wasn't certain just how they had made it that far but he was glad for it. He just hoped that they wouldn't ever revert back to the beginning and have to retrace their steps all over again. It had been difficult for him to feel like an outsider in his own home. He really didn't want to feel that all over again.

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