shadows of the sun

Urgh...crap post. But it's a post! Ilu! Optime form, afternoon. Ignore my HORRIBLE Spanish.

Her world had drastically changed from the period of her birth to the moment she was standing in now. Born within the confines of blessed Eterne, where the sun always touched, she had never expected she would live beneath the ground with wolves. In the shadows. Momoztli did not reach the underground, lit by torches and artificial things. Within the caverns, she was alone.

It was this loneliness that drove her into the empty forest to the west of Anathema, one whose name was lost to the golden woman. On two legs, she wandered, eyes like fiery topaz as they sought something worth finding. Animals were simply not enough. She wanted substance. She wanted blood. She wanted her brothers. Imacai's disappearance had been expected, for he had told his elder siblings that he desired to scout ahead. It was Miqui's that really hit the female hard. Grumpy, aggressive Miqui always caught his younger sister's deepest affections, if only for the hopes that her attention might cause a shift in his emotions.

She navigated with relative ease through trees as she searched for familiar life that she didn't expect to be there. Small animals darted past as she studied the landscape. "¿Por qué haces esto para nosotros? ¿Realmente merecen esta separación?" She spoke to no particular creature, gazing toward the sky. If they were dead, she would never know, and it frustrated her to no end. "Miqui," she whined, sinking to her knees on to muddy ground.

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