Bro Love
OOC- OC Leon told J'adore there was trouble in Spain.

Still up the tree, J'adore giggled, 'They do not run from me, brother. At least most of them. 'Quera is just a trouble maker'. As the younger Spaniard looked up, he launched himself from the tree's safety. He death rolled on his brother, pulling him down to the ground. This was where his brother was sure to win, J'adore was never the strongest, speed had much more suited the tan male. His long legs and thin body were perfectly shaped to reduce drag. Whichever way you looked J'adore was the essence of speed.

As his brother got the upper hand, flicking him off, J'adore rolled back onto the damp ground. Standing up to his full height, he brushed the mess from his golden coat and smiled. 'You know brother, I think you will do well here'. This was a true statment. His face turned into a gravitas stare and the whole atmosphere changed. He remembered what Leon had said about the trouble back in Santander, though the male had no idea of the full extent and probably never would seeing as his mother wasn't here and Leon had left before the strife had really started. 'What happened at home with Madre?'

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