This love is only gonna break your heart
Lucifer smiled to her, best friends, brother and sister, just different blood ran though them. He smiled as he looked down thinking, really this was a fair tale. Was it his? Or was it her's? Wither way the male was not going to leave, his roots had been made, and seeds had be thrown out into these fields. Looking up the male gave a soft laughter, sucking on his bottom lip. "I guess that makes you one of them fairy tail Princess that finds her Prince and they "marry" and live happy ever after, as Queen and King. So Naniko...when are there going to be pups running around of you and Conri?"

The topic of the city came up, frankly there was nothing in there for him. He did not read, could not read. Noah spent time with so many that when Lucifer ran off, he knew how to hunt, and live on his own. Reading and other human like skills the male lacked. Though if it meant spending time with her, he would do it. Brother's some time got to do thing that they do not like to make their sister's happy. "You name the day and I will be there with Bells on my toes."

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