The Past Is a Story That is Meant to be Shared.

Word Count → 199 :: 0 points

Kaliska wondered around the the place called Firefly Fields, but she didn't quite understand why they called it Firefly Fields. But it was still beautiful, the wide open space which is currently covered in snow. She raced around in circles and chased her tail, just being crazy. She loved to run and feel the wind in her pelt.

She stopped suddenly when she heard a roaming howl. It was a calling for a History teaching about Phoenix Valley. Well she was still new to the pack, maybe this would be a good thing. She raced as fast as she could to the direction of the howl, jumping every so often. The wind rushed through her snow white pelt and made air flow into her open mouth. The breeze felt amazing to her, like a sense of freedom.

When she noticed the lake coming ever closer, she slowed to a walk. She noticed the goldish-orange wolf sitting on ht edge. She walked closer to him. "Hello. I heard your call and wondered if i could possibly hear some History, since I'm still fairly new to this pack. My name is Kaliska by the way." She sat in front of him.

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