Unable To Be Saved

OOC: Hopefully within the first few days Tongue +5

Panda hadn't been in the pack for long at all, and this morning she had woken up in the arms of the man who insisted on sleeping in her bed even though they claimed a big enough den for them both to have their own rooms. Panda didn't bother to tell him to go away because in all honesty, she didn't want him to go away. Truth was, Panda slept better with him next to her than she did by herself. He was a bed warmer really, and he did a good job at it because he was a very good snuggle-buddy. When she had woke up, she had left the man in the den, because he willingly let go of her and then he rolled over in bed to face his back towards her. Panda stood up and look at her friend, and cooed at how cute he was when he slept. She let out a short yawn and she stretched her limbs. She then looked around the cave, and then she had looked to her bowl that was on one of her selves. She didn't want to wait to smoke, but she was extremely hungry (she thought that she fell asleep without hunting the night before, which was what happened) and she needed to get some food in her stomach as soon as possible. Panda shook out her bi colored pelt and then she had found her clothing and got dressed. She slipped her shorts on, and then her skirt over it and then she grabbed Venom's plaid shirt and she put that on before she had left the den of Venom and Panda.

She hadn't been good at knowing where to go when she did leave the cave yet, because the tunnels all looked the same to her still. She figured at some point in time she would be able to stumble these hallways drunk when she got used to this new place. So with that being said, it took Panda a few times to actually leave the caves,but not without awkwardly walking into other people's dens. Most were empty at the time she walked in, but she walked in on a few people too before she was pointed in the right direction and she finally made it out into the early morning air. It still had that chill to it that Panda loved to be in. She smiled lightly as she stepped gracefully onto the firm ground and she moved to where she could find a place to do some early morning meditating. The bi-colored woman had walked for some time until she heard a familiar voice. She then saw a rabbit pass right by her. Panda was quick to act on the rabbit, grabbing it with her hands and then snapping it's neck to kill it. She remembered the words, and figured that this might be the meal that the voice had been talking about. Panda moved to where she could see Selene sitting there, beating herself up about it. Panda dropped the rabbit next to Selene, and offered a smile to the woman. Both of Panda's ears were pulled forward and she put her hands behind her back and put them together. She then opened her mouth to speak. You're not worthless, Selene. Trust me, a few of these mofos got away from me too. They are slippery bastards at times. the woman spoke, friendly smile still on her maw. And good morning. Did you sleep well?

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