When everything's made to be broken...

Word Count → 507

He's in Optime, right? :o Here, have my longest post in a while! xD

She'd spent the morning practicing her sewing and tanning skills, working dutifully on some leather clothing. Sage had gotten quite good at sewing together simple, thin, plain leather clothes, but now she was working on more complicated things. Her hands practiced her own pattern for a sort of breast strap, with neat embroidered decorations where the breasts might go.

Once she had made a model she was most satisfied with, Sage sat back and admired her work with a gleeful smirk. Finally, something that looks wearable! she thought with a happy sigh, setting down her thick needle and thread. Stealing a glance outside of the cave, she noticed the sun coming in through the entrance, much brighter now than when she'd last looked.

And so, deciding it was late enough in the morning, Sage rose and gathered her things, loading her satchel with drawing tools and plenty of marijuana. Striking a quick match, she rose one joint to her lips and let it rest there, taking hungry draws from it as she headed out the door.

The tanned hippie girl found Lennon quickly, calling him over and mounting him, her bag still about her shoulder. She wore a mid-length, feminine skirt(her own soft leather creation); one whose frayed, feminine ends nearly flew away as she walked. The lack of covering on her legs made the contrast between Lennon's thick, warm hide and the much colder air outside much more noticeable. It was with a slight shiver that the Earth child glanced around before heading out into the Forest of Nod, grasping Lennon's strong mane with one hand; it was her legs that controlled the gentle beast.

Perhaps a half hour and a lovely trot through the sunlit forest later, she neared Inferni's borders. Sage was heading out of Inferni, truth be told, on one of her many small vacations. Her nomadic nature made it difficult to stay in any one place for so long. She'd lately attempted to train herself to stay for longer bouts in Inferni, but her feet still pulled her to wander greatly, even inside of the borders.

Now, though, she rode across the skull-spiked borders only a few feet before she spotted something odd. Something that other Inferni members might take offense to, or even attack for. Sage saw no problem with it, but the wolf was quite close to Inferni land.

She approached slowly on Lennon, though he was sure to be quickly noticed. Yellow eyes narrowed as she tried to see what he was looking at, in such a strangely transfixed state. Her head tilted curiously, and she cleared her throat softly.

"Hello there, just what might you be doing?" she asked, with a bit of a laugh.

The dark stranger looked very odd indeed, and though she did not sense anything rightly violent or dangerous about him, Sage still had to be somewhat cautious. She took another pleasant drag from the joint between her fingers, eyes sliding down to gaze at the handsome young wolf from horseback.

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