When everything's made to be broken...

Word Count → 350

Haha. Sage is being all weird in this thread! xD

The dark boy's reply came quickly after a slight groan. "Ah, sorry," he started, "I was just checking out the area. This is Inferni's border, right?" he asked, as if he didn't know where he was.

He hadn't looked lost before, only interested, and Sage's eyes narrowed briefly in wonder. Sometimes, Sage forgot that she wasn't like the rest of Inferni. Sometimes, they influenced her, made her feel more wary of strangers at their borders. Their new Anatheman neighbors weren't the most friendly lot, either, and so Sage had become more alert, recently.

"It is indeed," she responded with a nod.

The tan girl climbed down from Lennon carefully, patting him softly on the side as her feet hit the ground and she strode towards the boy. His head had tilted to one side as hers had, and she allowed her face to melt into another smile as he continued.

"I hope I'm not in any trouble, più bella donna," he said, his charm managing to capture her there for a moment.

Sage scrutinized him gently as he spoke, feeling as though he recognized his face, his body, from somewhere. She'd recently met a woman as shaded as he while visiting Crimson Dreams. The thought lingered that he might have been related to that Italian woman, Savina, but she didn't ask.

She gave a small smile, shaking her head to let him know that he wasn't. After all, she would not punish him for curiosity. Anything beyond that, though, and she would not keep from defending this land that she now belonged to. Sage's fighting skills were lame at best, so she hoped that this would not turn into something of that sort. She'd be better off fleeing and calling for someone more battle-ready, in that case. But for now, the hippie girl shook away those thoughts and put on a friendly face.

"My name's Phoenix." he introduced, "Maybe you can tell me your name?"

"Maybe I can..." she said coyly, smirking as she took another hit. After a several second pause, she added: "It's Sage."

After exhaling a rather large cloud of smoke, and having seen his wayward glance towards the thing in her hand, she held it out to offer it to him. "Would you care for a bit of smoke?"

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