I can't stand the Rain...

OOC here: Table & Coding © James; Hi hun, welcome. If you have any questions then don't be afraid to ask; 349 words

Sele knew exactly what it was to feel that way. It was about an everyday occurrence for her thoughts to stumble along that path. Just what was it did she have to show for herself? All of her children didn't need her around any longer. No one ever noticed when she would disappear for days at a time. She had nothing ever to present to the pack as a whole. She never had anything to show for herself. So it was a near daily occasion that she berated herself for being useless, among other things. So she knew just what it was like to have those thoughts and have them run your life. She couldn't ever escape no matter how hard she might try.

For the past few days or so they seemed to be having one visitor to the borders after another so she decided to go out and check. And just as she was headed that way she picked up on a howl. Perhaps the only thing that she had to show for what she did here was to catch most of the joiners and draw her sister's attention to the borders so that Nani could take care of accepting them. Walking on her hands, for she was unable to walk on her feet, she made her way to the borders, careful of the pits that had been throughout as a measure of safety for the pack. After all they've had intruders before.

She came close to the borders and found a male laying beyond them. She opened her mouth toe speak and introduce herself when she found that he was injured. She dropped her feet to the ground so that she could slip upon her hands and knees and crawl over. Maternal instinct took over and had her trying to lick at the wounds on the male's face. Of course she had forgotten how this had gotten her in trouble before. But it was just that kind and caring, at least towards others, that displayed itself. "Are you okay?" She finally was able to manage asking.

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