i live with the memories
of Character

Sorry for delay!

In Character

There was a certain sense of superiority she could have around puppies that no one else gave her. Misery was actually bigger than puppies, and they were really the only form of luperci she stood above. Misery had run into quite a few coyotes that were bigger than her, and that was laughable enough. Misery was unaware of any other youth in the pack, and his eyes were familiar. They weren't as bright as many of the D'Angelo eyes were, but the soapy green was close enough for her. "Are you Larkspur's son?"

Misery preferred the dark as well, but she had no desire for the devil god of the Khalif to snatch her up in the night. The sun would help protect her from wickedness. When her joints ached less, she would set to making a dreamcatcher as well. They protected from nightmares and the little female had plenty more of those than she ever wanted. "My name's Misery. Larkspur is my son." Not by blood, but that mattered little. She had saved him from the unctuous white devils of the Khalif, he would always belong to her.

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