I can't stand the Rain...

OOC here: Table & Coding © James; Sorry for the delay, eating and then friend wanted to hang out and talk for awhile. But yes, Sele can show him the caves; 315 words

She offered up a smile to her sister, not even having to call her this time. It seemed that Nani thought to make a rounds of the borders because of all the new joiners that they had lately. All that Sele had been present for so far. So while she couldn't seem to do anything to actually prove her own worth she could at least find those that were willing to prove theirs. That was the very least that she seemed able to do. After all she only found them and her sister always took care of all the rest. Actually she had no idea why she was even waiting around here anyways.

But then again the whole process was over and done with before she could even make an excuse to leave or anything of the such. The other was made a member before she had the chance to sneak away. She glanced from Nani to the newest member of the family. She was faltering, she had no idea what to do now. She couldn't just walk away now. She gave another glance between the two before finally speaking up.

"I can show you where we stay. We are living in caves underground. It will probably take a bit to get used to the system but you can pretty much pick out where you want to stay." She offered, figuring that Nani still had some things to take care of given the quickness of the procedure. Sele would simply have to wait until the new joiner was settled in before she could punish herself. It wasn't the first time though. She had done this a few times before. She didn't like to wait but she could do it. She had done it before and she could do it again. And if she messed this up then you would have more to punish herself for.

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