Welcome to the rain~!

Out of Character

Coding by Sie.

WC: 617
He's trying to be nice now ^.^

In Character

Over his short life and especially in the time since he’d joined Anathema, he had encountered his share of canines, heck, he’d teased and wound up nearly the same amount. Encountering people, new and old, was a game to him; how far could he wind them up, how many buttons could he press before they snapped, what got the best reaction out of them? Each meeting, he would try out different tactics and assess the results and reactions from his actions, then calculate and store the information for later use.

Such a beneficial game he played; it allowed him to annoy others and take out his irritation on those he cared little about, at the same time learning their weaknesses encase he were to ever need to exploit them. He never acted unless the action benefitted him in some way; but on this occasion, he’d merely lashed out with irritation from being tripped, when it wasn’t even the male’s fault, for he should have been paying attention to his surroundings… not that he was going to let the other think it was his fault, no, the white male can take the blame for this situation.

So when the male responded, he was, if anything. Shocked. Very rarely did he get a reaction out of those he prodded at, normally canines responded to violence with violence, giving what they got. That’s another thing he got a kick out of, trying to get a response. Yet, when he wasn’t even attempting to scare the male he’d got an hysterical reaction, the image of the male trying to blend into the stone was picturesque. So weak, so pathetic. The guy looked like he may pass out any second, and if he didn’t, the way he was pushing into the cave side.. he’d most likely have a few bruises unless he eased up.

Oh, how badly did he want to laugh at the scene before him, instead he settled too simply close his mouth and look neutral. Never before had he encountered such a male. This has to be some twisted joke? Why would Naniko let someone like him in? He’d only pull down the pack…The thread of thought came to a halt. No, if he was allowed in he must have some skills. If anything, he’d trust his Angela’s judgement, no matter how sceptical he was in this case.

“Try not to pee yourself whilst you’re at it” mumbled, under his breath. He knew he had to ease up, attempt to be nice or things may come back to bite him in the butt later. The game had to come to an before it even started, the dark male breathed out a low sigh and bent over slightly at the waist, his hand moved from the pommel of his blade to rest upon his hip.

Then, he simply gave the wolf a ‘You’ve got to be kidding me look’ before he spoke out his carefully chosen words… “Man you need to grow a pair” his voice was loud, taking upon a scolding tonne. Slowly, he straightened so that he stood straight, his arms moving and crossing over his chest.

“A word of advice, piddle-pants. Man up or get eaten alive one day” his voice came across in neutral tonnes; if anything, it carried a sharp note towards the end. He was impressed, he’d managed to say a whole sentence without it coming out mean! “And I’m sure I asked you a question” his eyebrow raised, to emphasise his point, one finger strummed on his forearm. “You’re new right? You’re name or would you prefer I call you piddle-pants?” he asked, his voice loosing some of the edge it previously contained.

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