Welcome to the rain~!
OOC : [Thanks James for the table.] Haha, thanks.

He heard the other wolf speak something to him, but he wasn't even sure what he said. Even still it had seemed whatever set the other wolf off had obviously been resolved. Going so far as to even let the wolf begin to share some insight to Torrent about the happenings around Anathema. Even as Alaki spoke, bad memories seemed to flutter in the edges of his mind. Painting a picture that reminded him of his old pack. However, if they couldn't hurt him, things were different here. He wouldn't face the same abuse, he wouldn't feel the same torture. Words didn't hurt him, they were just words. Words weren't sharp, and they didn't make you bleed. They didn't dig themselves into you, dig until you couldn't breathe. They didn't rape you, or leave you to die in the woods. They didn't do anything to you but lie, and he could handle lies.

After all, so much of his life was a lie. The words his sister would whisper to him at night, promising him they would run away together. Run away to some place safe, some place where he wouldn't have to hide. Where he wasn't hated for being weaker. She had lied, just like his mother did. Saying family would always stick together. Promising him safety as he laid down to rest so that she could check his wounds. Promise that his father did love him, and would never hurt him. Whispering to him, when she thought he was a sleep, telling him how lucky he was to be white furred. Telling him tales of those blessed with white fur. Those words were the last lies that would hurt him. That would find his way into his heart and leave it broken when he realized the truth. That he wasn't lucky, and he was never safe.

As if he had been shaken awake, he suddenly realized he had left silence between the two for longer then was probably acceptable. He turn his head to the other wolf and nodded, letting the words that lingered on his lips find there way outward. The words seemed soft, but still they had a sort of quiet strength to them, "It's nice to meet you Alaki. I apopligize for my reponse earlier. I simply wasn't aware and was caught in the past. I assure you, do not mistake my actions that occur in haste for actions that always show my normal behaviour. Besides, if everyone seeks to be the alpha or the strongest who will they have to lead? Who will they have to prove their dominance too. I never understood the logic that equated submission to weakness. My strengths simply aren't as readily flaunted as others."

With that he let a bit of softness come across his body. For once, he was beginning to genuinely begin to feel safe. For all the toughness that seemed to be displayed, there was this sense of safety that seemed to radiant from this place. It had taken him sometime, but for the first time he could genuinely begin to feel it. Weither he truly belonged though, that was still a precarious thought...


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