[J] This ain't a fairy tale

Welcome! I couldn't tell what form Saphira was in, but Jefferson is in his full werewolf form ("Optime"). ^^ Also, I wanted to ask -- you said her breathing problem was "fatal," but do you mean "life-threatening"? She's not dead. Tongue

He was quite weary of all the traveling, of the back-and-forth routine between AniWaya and Phoenix Valley. How he yearned to stay in one place, as ironic as it was for the one-eyed idiot; he had been a vagrant before the Valley was a piece of his history, even as far back as when his identity had been Maluki, breathing insanity in his incessant migration filled with fights, murder and whatnot. The truth was that Jefferson had never intended to even stay with Phoenix Valley — he had wholeheartedly intended to fill his stomach and avoid death emaciation, but Iskata's inspiration and sheer fate had intervened. That was where he had remained since; with Iskata dead and the other leaders far behind, Jefferson had led the Valley alone for a number of years, eventually adopting an unsaid dedication to it and its members. The insane beast that had been Maluki became less and less evident, as if tamed by the carefree nature of the pack he ruled over, and yet Maluki knew to show his ugly face when the Valley or its members were threatened. That dedication was not easily broken, not even when Jefferson was forced to lead AniWaya in Dawali's stead, but each time he was forced to come and go he left his heart behind in the pack he loved, the pack the once loner had come to call home.

His business in AniWaya had kept him from many of his regular duties as Valley Patriarch, though Tala had certainly rose well to his expectations and directed and guarded the pack in his many absences to the western tribe. The members were thriving, the pack was unexpectedly growing; even in the wake of so many personal disasters for the Patriarch not to be discussed here, the Valley endured and blossomed, much like the awakening springtime the months were easing into.

But today he chose his time in the Valley wisely before heading back to AniWaya. He walked the borders, stalking them one-eyed as he always did, and one-armed as he had not done before February. The scarred man detected a stranger's scent lingering in the air just off the borders and followed it, silent and stolid like a ghostly guardian wandering the land it protected. "What are you doing?" his scars frowned when he came upon the stranger, sprawled rather unceremoniously on the ground. "You have business with Phoenix Valley?"

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