It's too bad

The friendly facade stayed in tact, unless one was God they could never know all the layers of Cer’s thoughts. It was at this moment that Cercelee decided she didn’t entirely trust Haku. He could be kind hearted, she knew that. He had after all taken her in when she needed someone, but he was not always the same wolf Cercelee decided. And she would not make this easy on him. He was a liar in the same sense she was, a honest liar only leaving out details, Cercelee played that game as well. The male probably wouldn’t crack but she could ask anyway, it would bother him if she was not content with the answer he had given. Why did she not want to come?

Something had to have changed for Coli not to come, she had promised she would come again. Cercelee didn’t think this meant Coli had broken her promise but only that is was delayed, and Haku knew why but was not telling. Cer smiled again, to any on looker and even to each other it seemed they were glad to see each other again. And it was partially true, Cercelee was happy to see that her care giver was alive and well. Yet also only know to the two of them, they were playing a sort of cat and mouse game with each other, a game that no one could see but them, and perhaps they didn’t even know the other one was playing. On cue, as if to let Haku know that she and Colibri had indeed spoke of him, she asked another completely innocent question.
So, do you want to see your mother?


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