the summer obsession
sorry for the ramble, I'm at my boyfriend's place and he kept refusing to leave me alone so I could focus. So sorry if this doesn't make much sense or if there are too many typos (he fails at having a spellchecker program thing and his shitty browser couldn't run the online one I use).
He approached like she had signalised, quite politely and non-hostile-like. Mew was indifferent. She would have stayed indifferent even if he slashed out to her; what she had fought for was lost. SHe had escaped the hungry mouth of the inferni, but she had lost the battle in the end after all. How ironic, right now she wished the crazed coyote had won, had just eaten her. It would be easier. Though, she had company now, and as the other spoke she put her thoughts aside for now. It wasn't as if she didn't have time enough for them; she barely slept at night for just thoughts. At his apology for trespassing, she merely nodded kindly, smiling politely, not wanting to interrupt him, since he seemed to be going to continue with an explanation. At the mention of his purpose, and the fact that he was trying to find the coyotes, or at least find out where they were, her ears flattened themselves and her tail took on a tense position. A fire erupted inside her, it consumed her self control and spread wildly. Had she been able to move much, she might very well have started trotting this way and that in rage, not quite knowing what to do with herself. A growl erupted from the female's throat, and she maintained it as she replied to his indirect question about their whereabouts. The coyotes are here She moved a paw to point on the map, circling out what she assmed would be the spread of their lands. Her words were nearly spat out as she continued to explain the importance of staying away. The coyote pack is named Inferni. You might notice my injuries; one of them tried to eat me. I would strongly advise against ever coming too close to their boundaries, they are known for not letting their borders stop them. Brainless, violent beings.

Her body was tense with hate, muscles stiff and her eyes diverted from the other. All of her misery, it was them. Coyotes, the intoxicated femme on an unusual dinner hunt. Whenever she had encountered any of them she had found that they fit that stereo type. Hybrids were usually calmer, but still some of them were violent and unpredictable. She paused before answering the more direct question. Letting her body take on a less angry position, despite her insides boiling with rage, she tried to make the other understand that her hostility was not aimed at him. An attempt at a smile, though her thoughts were still focused on her rage. Trying to recall what he had asked, Mew answered as best she could, though quite absently and tight-lipped. Yes.. My mother speaks it, and she taught me some of it. Also I found a little songbook with norwegian children's songs a while back which I have been reading in, so I've picked up a few things from that as well.


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