My minds a blood bath

Word Count → 335 :: <3

Amaranth was not the only one saddened by the loss of the two female puppies that she had birthed. His youngest daughters never got to breath out their first breath. It saddened Niro, but he had a boy, and though he seemed helpless and weak, Niro wanted to protect his little boy with all his might. He’d been in the back working on a room for Jiva, for when he would be old enough to be on his own. He had already finished Maggie’s room, though it had not been used, and when it was she never really left it. He heard Amaranth snap at the pup and he stopped what he was doing, setting his tools down and going into the main room. It seemed her moment of irritation was over with for now. He moved over to her, to see her cradling their son.

“He’s definitely got his mother’s looks”

He said as though he didn’t over hear her anger. He sighed, wishing the two girls had been alive as well. He knew it did not do well to dwell on such things, maybe just one pup was meant for them for the time being, he knew he’d defend Jiva with his life. He would go to the ends of the earth for the pup like he wasn’t able to with his daughters.

“He’s special, and we should do what we can to keep him happy and healthy.”

He moved even closer to her, and moved behind her to kiss her cheek and watch as the squirming pup got comfortable in her arms. He knew if she needed time from holding the pup he’d hold him. He had as little experience as she had, though slightly more, though his daughters were one month old when he knew about thim. He wanted to learn with this one. He wanted to be as good of a father as he could be with this single little puppy.

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