My minds a blood bath

Word Count → 331 :: <3

Niro could tell that she was having mixed feelings, and now he could understand Vigilante's worries. He hated that she was angry, that something was wrong. He hated she had to deal with two deaths. He didn't know what she was thinking about it, if he did he'd wipe those thoughts away. She handed Jiva to Niro and he held the pup tenderly, letting the boy fall asleep on his arm.

"How about when your mother comes back we go hunting? If Jiva gets hungry your mom is still nursing she can give him a little with her own children. You need to get out, if's been a while, need to let out some pent of energy."

He knew he shouldn't rely entirely on Ayita, he didn't want the woman to live with them like she seemed to be, but she was worried about Amaranth, and for a good cause, and Amaranth was finally connecting with her mother again, though in the worst way possible... Niro thought. The death of the children was something that was common. He knew this only because he'd seen death quite a bit when he was younger.

For now relax my love I'll keep him quiet and calm... are you feeling alright?

He asked, he knew the best way to get bad feelings out was to talk about them and he knew she was having some, though not what kinds. He always knew when something was about to happen with her... maybe not always but most of the time. He worked on keeping her from cracking this long, it was going to be the same way now. He hoped that having the pups didn’t cause her any more depression, but he knew it had, for he felt saddened when his daughters came out breathless. He was still feeling it as a new and fresh wound to his own soul.

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