[j] one does one's best
((Sounds good to me Smile ))

Tal had visibly relaxed by the time his son had finished speaking. "I enjoy writing. I've begun writing tales from my travelling down. The pack, Catalyst, that we were in was an interesting one, and his mother had some fascinating stories." Bangle moved off a short while, and Tal followed Liam over to where he'd sat. Liam giggled. "Dad's not much on dancing. He's not too graceful there. But he sings good. Mom had a pretty voice too, but she had problems, I think." Tal gave a halfhearted smile as Liam mentioned Kira. The boy's mother was a taboo subject between the two, and it felt as if Liam had forgotten this. They'd have to talk again later, in private.

The sweet sounds of the lute made the older male look up at Bangle as he sat, Liam climbing into his lap. "he's right, I'm not much of a dancer myself. But I enjoy singing." His smile went dreamy as a memory sparked in his mind. "My mother had a beautiful voice. Her father was from Ireland originally, and she had this soft lilt when she sang. She taught me a few of the older songs, but most of my learning from her was in healing and the old stories. She taught me alot about her religion, too." That made him think of a question for the male. "I worship the goddess Rhiannon. Is my belief going to offend anyone around here?"

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