It's too bad

Cercelee caught the look Colibri had given her. Rather than guilt or embarrassment, it put a dreadful feeling in the pit of Cer’s stomach. Like she had unleashed a plague. Had she unleashed it upon the pack, or just Colibri? It was hard to say. Colibri’s reactions might just be from her own personal feelings of her son, but they might have been caused by something deeper, something more. There was still the mystery of why Coli had not returned, and Cer was pretty sure that Haku was the key, and she was also pretty sure that she didn’t really want to know the answer.

Cercelee wasn’t sure she should interject, but she wouldn’t watch Colibri be talked down to. Besides, despite how welcoming she was with strangers in her lands, the leaders wouldn’t be walked on. Haku might not want to play by the rules, but he had to acknowledge them, otherwise be run out. Haku, you’re not the one who gets to decide if you stay or not. It was said gently, as if a reminder rather than a command. Still, he had to remember that he could think he was in charge, but in the end there were powers above him. Cer was pretty sure that she would have others to back her up in this, Colibri, Slay and Hanna. It Haku stayed, she wouldn’t mind, but he had to stay under her rule.


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