Night Divides The Day (Joining)
Cuomo was grateful that he did not have long to wait. Although he was not overtly impatient, he was definitely looking forward to having some sort of interaction. Despite his inclination to roam freely, at the core Cuomo knew that he was a social creature. He thrived off of the energy of others, and liked to cast that energy back to help pull others through. This longing for company was not exactly a sense of loneliness, it was more of the fact that he was reconciling his differences with his basest instincts. At the heart of things, he was not a solitary creature, and could not reach his fullest potential alone.

Another male approached him, and Cuomo was able to gauge his age with a swift glance at his physique. Judging by his body type, this male, Saul Stormbringer, had some growing left to do. This meant that he was younger than Cuomo, but not substantially. Despite the fact that his body hinted at youth, the Dahlian male's sharp green eyes spoke of intelligence and a spark of personality. Cuomo cast his orange eyes down to regard Saul's chin, enough to show respect for his obvious position of authority within this pack but to also pay keen attention to the male with the timber wolf coloration.

"My name is Cuomo," the black brute said by way of introducing himself, lowering his head and tail to show appropriate deference to Saul. He was slightly embarrassed at the omission of a surname. He did not have one that he knew of. As far as he knew, his parents had either chosen to abandon their own surnames or had simply never bequeathed that knowledge unto their children. "I seek to become part of a functional unit, and if you think that your pack might benefit from having me, I'd like to try."

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