Letting it out

Orin had been one of the few to take the news of Jacquez's departure negatively, and Vigilante had not felt that she had ever been entirely comfortable in the pack of Miracles. When he had learned of her choice to change packs, he had not been entirely surprised, and though it was sad to lose a member, he hoped that she was happy. "My congratulations to her," he said simply. The pregnancy of his sister did not seem to be what Niro truly wanted to talk about, mere small talk to distract himself from the rest of his thoughts. Vigilante continued to walk beside him until he was ready to speak again.

The words caused him to stop, slowing his pace as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Perhaps he had simply not heard correctly, for what Niro said did not seem to make any sense to him. The King was normally very calm and level-headed, and perhaps that made him dangerous. He had never killed an innocent—for even his sister had not been, according to the Elders—and the thought did not cross his mind now. "Amaranth is pregnant?" he asked quietly, calmly, perhaps too calm to be believable.


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