Hunger pangs and pilgrimages

This news was good, even if the words seemed to imply that the land might be a dangerous area. Well, she'd been walking a while and she'd certainly never found anywhere safe. At home they'd thrown up a fence around the entire pack boundary, which seemed extreme, but even there hadn't been safe. She'd had more to fear from her family and fellow pack mates than anyone she'd encountered on her journey. The stranger-wolves had merely wanted to chase her away, mostly, but the people she used to belong to had wanted to control her body and mind. Strangely, she understood their reasons for it; it was her own flaws that had caused her to go against the grain. Many of their ways were still her ways, and she intended to get stronger and do better with time. One of the blessings they'd given her was the insistence of a varied education, so at least she felt she could answer his question. "In my old home, I was learning to work leather, butcher animals and preserve food." A short pause, then "I have come very far and so have proved tenacity, faith and endurance. I can handle a knife in combat. I will defend anything or anyone who needs me." She spoke with great solemnity, her dark lids still half lowered but now her eyes upturned with great sincerity. She knew she had to make it sound good; her odd mongrel looks and bony physique belied her strength.

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