hot AM kiss
Heyyylo, Liz and Ann! Of course I don't mind. Big Grin

Some unseen puppeteer manifested Calixte's hopes as instantaneously a jackal and a buck (of all things!), and a hybrid registered in the coyote's various senses. Respectively, the former pair in her nostrils, and the latter singularity in his eyes and ears. He saw determined frustration in her fortress of fur and muscle as it held the taught bow at the ready. He figured out it was she who pursued the rabbit he smelled. Frightened, but too in-awe of such a regal huntress, he lowered his four legs to appear smaller than his already tiny, 24 lb. frame. He was saying, without talking, I agree it is fair payment if you decide to shoot me, for I have cost you a worthy lapin meal. He quietly wondered if his primal canine language would sate such a civilized creature... That she might really shoot him. He'd seen civility breed its exact opposite: savagery of the worst kind.

The coyote felt a calm wash over him. He looked up to the Artemis figure with the usual warmth that pervaded his being, then he shifted his sights to his right in hopes she would silently follow his line of vision. Only after a few seconds of intense meditation on the landscape did he see the jackal standing guard over the buck. Though the Cervidae was invisible in its element, Calixte knew it by the story of complex scents.

A glint of a smile twinkled at the edge of his lips. He was surrounded by strange, brave women ready to tear him limb-to-limb or shoot him, he wasn't sure. It terrified and gladdened him all at once. If there was a fond way to die, surely it was at the hand of such apt canines. Still silent, he observed the situation with a new burst of intrigue.

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