My minds a blood bath

Word Count → 270 :: <3

Niro could see that she was regretting her outburst, but he couldn't just hand his son over to her, not when she admitted that she wanted to hurt him. To kill him. It hurt him to keep their son from her. She had shown her love to Jiva but she'd also shown the irritation that soon turned into rage.

"I Love you too Amaranth, I love Jiva and I want to keep our family together, If you have anymore thoughts like that let. Me. Know."

He said sternly. He wanted to make it clear he would never let her near Jiva if she did try to act on how she felt.

"If you do love him you'll have to take care of yourself, get some time to yourself. He will be fine, I can see how stressed you are."

Niro said calmly and moved closer to her. Jiva was nestled in Niro's arms whimpering a little, but didn't seem any more distressed than that. Niro was glad that that the pup couldn't hear just yet and hoped that when he did start he wouldn't have to hear his parents fighting. He sat down next to to her, but was slightly timid. He wasn't sure if he should let her, though she seemed so despirate, he was still afraid that she might do something to the pup, but he knew her and she had calmed down, which was a good thing, but he felt apprehensive. He stayed quiet though and watched his mate carefully.

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