in other words, anarchy

Enkiel stiffened at the stranger’s approach and eyed her warily until the rabbit was presented. He snatched it from the air, used to catching small prey, and nodded his thanks. It was placed with his other odds and ends as he returned to his task at hand. Gabriel, having woken at the intrusion, lifted his head to watch this display. The Aquila recognized the woman from the meeting, but she was otherwise a stranger—likely someone his mother had allowed into the clan. Her gifts were food, which while Gabriel certainly didn’t look underfed, he was glad for. It pained him to be a burden, but he was not so might as to deny a meal.

A wag of the tail was given in friendly thanks, and Gabriel regarded the coyote and found the rabbit she held looked far too clean to have been killed by teeth or claw. “My thanks,” he offered, but did not rise to take it from her. His shoulder would not allow much movement, and he did not wish to expend it now. “You’re a newer member,” he added, hoping this might prompt her to introduce herself. It was not beyond him to be blunt and ask such things, but he found her forward enough from her approach and imagined she might do so regardless.

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