I'm looking for a Key [p] Pontiac
The multi hued woman was incredibly alert and therefore spotted the other female before the female noticed herself. Jace stood stiffly although not threateningly as she approached, keeping herself behind Anathema's border lines. The Praeas shifted her legs, trying to ease the weight of her swollen stomach from the pads of her feet which ached from the walk up here. Jace knew she shouldn't have undertaken such a task but she had to see Keys.

The husky lined woman was wearing some kind of a dress, Jace had not much knowledge on the styles and types of clothes and dresses and such, yes she admired them because they were pretty but ultimately she had no practical use for them and so they were counted as irrelevant in her eyes, although she did not judge others for wearing the human clothes, to each their own. In some places she had seen Jace herself had been thought of as crude and savage for refusing to put on the cumbersome garments.

She dipped her head politely to the woman and answered her question with quiet, soft tones,

"Hello, I am looking for a man named Keys or Alaki, do you know where he is?"

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