This is a Chance

Word Count → 379

Hello! Welcome to Crimson Dreams! Big Grin I saw in your profile Masaki's pack is from Ohio, but in your post it seems like she just got away from the coyotes that killed her family? Maybe I just read it wrong though ^^

The Consul of Crimson Dreams was doing better, but she was still far from recovered from the soul-shattering news that she had learned just over a month ago. Her youngest child, Denali, had been brutally murdered by a woman who had then sought solace within the borders of her own pack. Of course she had not known of her son's demise at the time, and even though something seemed a bit unnerving about Nuki, she had allowed her sanctuary. It had undoubtedly been her biggest mistake as a leader. Things had been quiet for a time, but soon the demon had shown her true colors when she made an attempt on the life of her daughter. Savina had gone and confronted the blood-eyed woman then, and they had drawn each other's blood, and she had learned the truth about her son.

The wounds of her body had healed, now merely scars. The damage done to her heart and mind were not so easily reversed however. It did not matter to her that Denali had not been her son by birth. She had taken him in when he had only been a couple moons old and she had loved him as any other of her brood. Savina felt like she had failed him, and no matter how many times everyone told her this was not the case, that perceived truth was still rooted deeply in her chest. It could not be willed away.

The ebony wolfess walked the borders of her land aimlessly, the metal cat mask that had belonged to her son hung around her neck awkwardly. Her gait was finally returning to a semblance of its normal gracefulness, but her muscles were still stiff where she had been shot with an arrow and stabbed in the thigh. A series of odd noises caused the Marino matron to raise her head and a short distance away she saw a coyote prostrating herself at the pack's borders. Savina approached slowly and looked down on the smaller canine with soft curiosity. "These are the borders of Crimson Dreams, my pack. What is it that you seek here?" There was no warmth to her voice, but neither was she cold, a steady neutral tone to shadow the pain housed within her breast.

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