can i feel a chemical reaction?

Word Count → 279 :: <3

Niro looked at the man, his words cut hard on the man, though he said nothing. He knew his place. He knew what this place was meant to be. He would let the man know this too, as he didn't entirely understand.

"We are a pack of those who are outcasted, who do not belong. But this pack is not overrun by wolves if that's what you meant, though we are not prejudice to heritage, I'm sure I'll be the only pure bred wolf to disgrace your eyes."

Niro said a bit coldly to the dog, not sure how he could have reacted any better to such a ... slap in the face. What was wrong with being a wolf, it wasn't as though he went and attacked dogs for any reason, besides, Niro was the one that tended to how well the pack ate. he could tell that this dog... was not a hunter, not built for it, not like Niro at least, but he said nothing. He would not stoop so low as to say anything. he awaited his question to still be answered, he was sure that was not the reason that he was here... to try and mock a wolf, and he was sure if he was provoked even more, .... No Niro couldn't do it, not with Jiva in his pouch. He stood straighter though, and heard a rush of wings, as Marahute seemed to pick the perfect time to perch on Niro's shoulder, probably from Niro's posture and the sound of his voice that she decided to take things closer to home.

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Table by Sie


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