can i feel a chemical reaction?
hear me out now

Coding©Sie - Word Count: 329


you're gunna listen to me like it or not

"We are a pack of those who are outcasted, who do not belong. But this pack is not overrun by wolves if that's what you meant, though we are not prejudice to heritage, I'm sure I'll be the only pure bred wolf to disgrace your eyes." he explained, clearing taking a bitter, harsh tone in response.

Denver straightened, feeling uneasy now. It wasn't really that he felt dogs were more noble than wolves, but he knew that what he'd been promised was a dog sanctuary, and with wolves allowed in, it wasn't quite that. Denver cleared his throat in an attempt to mask the somewhat rude comment that had slipped. He didn't regret it, but he had to remember that he was trying to be on good terms with this pack's members. Especially with the black mohawked wolf that stood before him.

"Ah'm sorry, Niro," he injected, trying to correct and save himself. "All I meant was, I expected a place fer dogs, and I wasn't expectin' a wolf. Thasall." Eyes of ice blue flickered to the bag again, but he thought better than to ask about it. "How might I be gettin' in 'ere with ya, Niro?" he wondered, hoping to speed this process along. Denver needed to find out if this place was what he was searching for. He did not want to linger if it wasn't.

As if on cue as he finished speaking, a ruffle of wings and a quick, confused blast of air nearby made Denver take a few surprised steps back, letting out a dazed: "Ahh!" Coming quickly to his senses, the boy shook his head and straightened his view, now several feet farther from the Cours wolf. "What tha heck's that!?" he shouted, glaring at the bird with a flustered expression, brows furrowed. "Them things are dangerous."

Was it a trained attack bird? Well, now Denver would need to be wary. He wouldn't know how to fight a bird! It seemed easy, sure, but they had such sharp talons and beaks... The flop-eared dog recalled an incident in his early childhood involving some very curious adolescent hawk chicks that he'd stumbled upon. Needless to say, he'd left them with a bloody nose and a distaste for avians.

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