Footprints in the sand

Word Count → 324 :: <3

Though he did not know this woman’s father he could see she was at war with herself, and he let her speak, he was quiet the whole time... not sure how to handle a situation like this. Never in his life had he dealt with this type of situation and in all honesty he wanted to avoid it at all costs from now on.

“Well... then if you think you’ve failed your father, why not try to please yourself? Your father is not you, and as far as I can see you look like a very capable young woman. You should belong to your own heart and own desires. You are the only one who can truely have any influence over yourself, but you choose to have everyone do it around you... I don’t know you but I don’t think death is your answer... I think you are just trying to find an easy way out. A cowards’ way out.”

He said, yes he was sure the woman would hate him, to even attack him and he expected no less than a slap, but this was what he believed she was doing. Trying to end things quick so she didn’t have to deal with them, who knew, her escape just might become her imprisonment, to be tormented about whatever it was that plagued her for all of eternity after she died?

“If you don’t belong there... then why not go somewhere else, rather than this?”

He wasn’t sure how much of a good job he was doing, but he was sure he was failing miserably. He was sure Marahute could sense how he felt because he heard her, one of her rare calls, as she came to find him, though she hadn’t been far, she had not been in Niro’s line of sight for some time. He ignored her though, keeping his attention on Talitha.

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