Let the games begin!

-Posts under this account since she accidentally posted with Matrix for Anselm before.- :x Or maybe I'm just lazy. -Cough.-

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Somewhat modest, Matrix's flesh turned bright red beneath the fur of her cheeks. She offered a slight smile to their congratulations but said nothing--she may have won, but she was now fairly exhausted. Once Skoll wondered away, she made her way down to the river to take a deep drink. She missed most of the conversations going on around her--all of it sort of melded together into an unintelligible babble. Still, she understood and snapped to attention when the next fight began. Skoll and the random 'Souls wolf, whose style seemed to be reminiscent of that which her mother taught her. Interesting. Like her mother, Remedy relied on a series of kicks... although the larger golden male seemed to be absorbing them alright. Still, it was impressive that things went on as long as they did. She knew she personally stood no chance against Skoll (or her mother, for that matter), but at a first glance she was tempted to think herself and the mysterious black female were about on par.
Before too long, Skoll finally managed to get a hold on the quick, sure-footed girl, and Matrix knew it was over, too. The fight concluded peacefully enough, and she offered a smile and a thumbs up to both of the combatants. There was little time to think about it, though, for now it was her turn to step into the ring. Her mother remained, and both of the Thirteen girls knew which way the fight would tip. That wouldn't stop Matrix from giving it her all, however. No time was taken to consider styles, strengths, or weaknesses--they already had trained together for months, and they both knew exactly what the other was capable of doing. Thus, they sprung into action immediately.
A flurry of kicks were sent either way, and both frequently jumped back, to the side, and generally away to avoid being hit. Twilight was bigger than Matrix so her blows hurt more when they landed, but the older female was also more settled into her ways. Deliberately, Matrix would begin one attack sequence that she knew her mother would recognise and change halfway through, effectively catching the matron off-guard and allowing her to plant more kicks over all. This tactic worked at least several times, but eventually Twilight caught on to the general lack of predictability and retaliated with more improvisation, herself. Matrix was definitely moving forward for an attack, so Twilight managed to grab the girl's arm, spin her around into a general submission hold, and force her to her knees. The fight was over--hypothetically she could try to work her way out of it, relying on the fact that her mother would never severely hurt her, but this would be cheating in Matrix's mind. Twilight released her grip and turned to face Skoll. Ultimately, this was what Matrix had really been waiting for.

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